Then consider joining the Legion of Light, sponsored by NUMINOUS.

Dozens of research studies have suggested that individual intentions can make a measurable difference in the world around us. In addition, the city research sponsored by NUMINOUS has measured violence reduction in three US cities during our peace weeks. 

It is entirely possible for synchronized intentions for peace to make a measurable difference so the questio begs to be asked…

Why are we waiting??

NUMINOUS has designed the Legion of Light meditation protocol to significantly benefit individuals as they steward the whole. 

Our Legion of Light Meditation Protocol, inspired by our city research, is designed to accomplish five goals to improve your life, and the lives of others.

  1. Increase happiness by lightening your heart – Life can be brutal (have you noticed?), which causes energetic scar tissue on our hearts that mutes our joy. Each day you will have the opportunity to release your heart of current and past hurts as you learn how to cultivate heart coherence, resulting in a far greater capacity for joy.
  2. Prime your life with intentions for best outcomes – Our new meditation protocol includes a segment where you can send positive intentions for your own life from your more cheerful heart, which has the potential to facilitate far better personal outcomes.
  3. Stabilize your mood as you become a Leader for Light for the globe. When  you send intentions for peace to the globe, you expand the energy surrounding your body, bolstering your well-being. Your shoulders go back, and your head goes up as you close your meditation, preparing to start your day right!
  4. Instead of feeling victimized by world events, feel Dignity and Integrity  knowing that you are being accountable to paving the way for peace in the etheric for others.
  5. Be part of a tribe – of people showing up in the etheric to establish a grid of intelligent loving light that integrates the needs of all people to yield the highest and best outcomes for all

We have measured up to an 84% increase in happiness levels during our eight-day peace projects

Consider helping yourself by helping others, which is how we are energetically designed.

 What different choices would you make if you were happier each day?

Join the Legion of Light, and find out today!