Next class starting: Sunday September 17, 2023

If so, Bethany Gonyea suggests you are being called to expand your consciousness to an advanced level of discernment far beyond social media spiritual memes and modern secular psychological constructs. 

In the second book of her Consciousness Athlete series, Dealing with Difficult People for Spiritual People, Bethany Gonyea emboldens us in dark places with her signature teaching style of blending evidence-based mundane research with experience-based consciousness-expanding knowledge and meditations. She lovingly walks beside us, whispering in our ears as she affirms our most demoralizing struggles while simultaneously cheering us on to beckon forth the most priceless aspect of ourselves. Bethany reminds us that the irritation of sand in the shell is the beginning of the premium pearl. Likewise, challenging relationships allow us an opportunity to cultivate the “pearl of great price” of heightened awareness. She assures us our epic journey is complete when we can leave the relationship as “friends and equals.” We move from victim to master as we shift our identity to adhering to the impeccability of our invincible eternal nature.  The course is four months long to do the deep renovation needed to move tough situations in the direction of healing.

Biweekly streamed classes for 4 months following the Dealing with Difficult People for Spiritual People curriculum.

  • New customized meditations for every class will be recorded and emailed to you for daily practice 
  • Meditations include time for participants to send healing energy to the daily chosen participant
  • You have the opportunity to receive intentions for emotional healing from your fellow Consciousness Athlete students. (Rare opportunity here!!!!)
  • You benefit not only from receiving, but giving.  Sending intentions creates vacuum to receive
  • Introductory Cost – $150/per month for four months
  • Included, one private 30 min session with Bethany
  • Start a hub in your home of 6+ people, and we will provide you technical assistance and a discount
  • BONUS: Includes attendance at NUMINOUS Salons during the course (however, we are always in need of donations as we offer our work for free to cities.  Big costs, so donations are always appreciated) 

What this class is NOT:

  •      Fix your relationship in five easy steps
  •      Fix the other person, not me!

What is required of you:

  • To be a dedicated intrepid consciousness explorer willing to observe and direct your subtle energies every day by applying the biweekly meditation skills directly to your life.
  •  Experience humility  – getting properly calibrated means emptying ourselves of ourselves and being teachable. We need to make room for Intelligent Love.
  • Be Intolerant of feeling miserable – provides the constancy for the discipline required.

Bethany Gonyea, MS, has taught Biofeedback, meditation, and consciousness expansion for over thirty years. She is the author of, Become A Consciousness Athlete: A Step By Step Program to Heighten Consciousness for Daily Happiness. She is the founding director of the Resonant Peaceful Cities Project which performs research studies to measure the effect of synchronized meditation on reducing violence at the city level.

Next Class Starting: Sunday September 18, 2023 at 6:30 PM

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