Are you interested in writing a meditation for the Legion of Light?


This work becomes significantly more enriching for all participants when they listen to meditations created by individuals around the world (just like you) who add their intentions for peace by contributing meditations that follow our meditation research protocol structure.  

In the video above this text, Bethany shares how to write a Legion of Light Meditation and why we structure the meditation as we do.  


Please consider writing a meditation for the Legion of Light, and invite others to write one as well!


Just going through the process of writing and recording a meditation for global peace is healing. Often, after people record a city or Legion of Light meditation, they say, “I am glad I did that!” 

We guarantee you will feel a little happier after!

Listening to this Soundcloud link can help your Legion of Light meditation to "write itself."

We especially want to hear from people from countries that have not been represented yet, so your intentions for peace can be heard!

Recording the meditation – Quick notes 

– It is only an audio recording, not video. 

– Please print out the protocol, or at least the affirmation, and note the time stamps for each section

– Please record in a quiet place. A small closet works great! Try to avoid any background noise, including dogs barking and street noise.

– You can use your phone to record. Voice memo works nicely on iPhones.

– Please use a stopwatch. An easy way to do this is to borrow someone else’s phone. You can record on your phone while watching your timing on the other phone. This helps you be sure your meditation is around 20-minutes and each section has the correct amount of time. (see protocol times) 

– Please do not put music behind the meditation. We will add that later.

– In the protocol, if you are a person of faith, you can say, “And if you have a faith, take a moment now to connect to your version of the Divine”. or use derivations of the word Love. Almost all religions say that “God” is Love, so derivations of Love work nicely, for example, Infinite Love, Source energy, Intelligent Love, etc. We don’t want to cause people to polarize or bristle by hearing religious terms loaded with different meanings by different people. 

– Regarding the affirmation -Please read the affirmation verbatim. It was written not only to send intentions but also to make us better vessels for receiving. Please leave an entire minute to reading sections and pausing for this

– Please try not to move – microphones are very sensitive – they pick up everything – please wear “quiet” clothes (no nylon) 

– Please leave empty spaces so that people can integrate your suggestions.

Smile :  – disconnect from your lives and smile before you start… you are about to change the world!

After Recording meditation: 

Listen to the recording before you send it, so you can rerecord to correct any glaring noises etc. 

Sending the meditation  –

Please send the following information in ONE Email:

    1. Phone recording of spoken meditation
    2. Picture of yourself (if you are comfortable)
    3. Contact info (if you are comfortable)
    4. Website (if you are comfortable)
    5. Three-sentence bio (if you are comfortable)

Please send information

Please put this in the subject line: 
LOL Meditation: Your Name


We suggest you print out the Legion of Light 2024 protocol for easy reference.