Dealing With Difficult People for Spiritual People Classes

Relationships often cause us maximum pain, which worsens when we don’t understand the “why.” Learn how difficult relationships are actually Spiritual Ph.D. training in disguise and how to reconcile the irreconcilable. This course is for you if you have a troubling relationship and have ” tried” everything. a

Consciousness Athlete Classes

Bethany’s 4-month “game changer comprehensive program” to hone intention for maximum results, including receiving positive intentions by other trained Consciousness Athletes for best personal results!

Spiritual Salons – Bimonthly Meetings for Emotional & Physical Healing Salon, derived from the French word salon (a living room or parlor), means a conversational gathering. Bethany invites people to come together bimonthly to discus spiritual topics, and receive instruction to come into greater command of their nervous systems while cleansing their energy fields for more Intimacy with Intelligent Love.   We will alternate […]