Love is Infinite.

So the question is…How good do you want to feel?

Welcome To Consciousness Athlete skill building. 

Learn to live in beauty as you simultaneously generate greater healing light for yourself and the planet.

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In this video, Bethany gives us insight into how to obtain “heaven’s viewpoint” which has “no distinctions” so we can walk into the “oneness” state.  She also discusses her latest book, and how it offers meaty insights for “advanced” spiritual adherents.

Consciousness Skills to Blur Yourself Into Oneness

– Practicing reviewing your problems with the same dispassion that you would review a pencil.

– Practice becoming “sovereign” in the presence of challenges.

–  Stoke a loving, gentle, “soft” feelings.  Heighten states of consciousness are “soft.” 

– Silent inner chatter, which is all part of the individual, temporal ego

If you are experiencing a challenging relationship, or even a challenging life circumstance, please look for my classes starting in early April that will teach you how to utilize your greatest challenge to catapult into heightened states of consciousness through my version of “petty tyrant” training.  

Stop feeling victimized.  Start using challenges for the vast significant positive benefits they offer. 

Here is a brief video about the upcoming book and classes.

Beauty/Higher Consciousness is only a few brainwaves away.  
However, it requires internal discipline. 
 To condition heightened consciousness within us, must train our consciousness like athletes train their bodies.

This series of Legion of Light/Consciousness Athlete meditations 
will teach you the skills to cultivate heightened consciousness on demand.  However, it will be up to you to train to sustain it.  

Dr. Karin Reinhold and I have a passion for performing peace meditation research.  We have measured reductions of violence in three US cities during our peace meditation research projects. 
We are waiting on results of our fourth project.

If you have a humanitarian need, and you have access to data we can measure, please reach out to us and we will see if it is possible to turn it into an intentional meditation research project.  

Bethany and Karin

To Learn more about the work of Bethany Gonyea, Founder of NUMINOUS,

 sponsor of the Resonant Peaceful Cities Project

Bethany’s Consciousness Athlete Curriculum

Become A Consciousness Athlete – A Step By Step Program to Heighten Consciousness For Daily Happiness  

Bethany offers two four-month courses based on both of her books
Learn how to work deep in your nervous system while cleaning your energy field.
Guaranteed to be a game changer!
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Consciousness Athlete Classes offer:

1) Eclectic bodies of work that are seeded from Bethany’s thirty years consciousness
exploration to accelerate resolution of daily challenges

2) Daily meditations to retrain your nervous into the signature of happiness

3) Cleansing your subtle energy field to facilitate buoyant happiness

4) Receive intentional support for your deepest longings from fellow Consciousness Athletes.

And more!

If this work has been helpful to you..PLEASE SHARE!

Welcome To the Legion of Light Meditation skill building to live in beauty


Cynthia Nouhra is a Lebanese artist , whose aim is to be at the service of life. For long time she used to be a wanderer in the realm of reality in quest of its essence, until she realized that it is no longer time to wander anymore, and it is time to  take action by manifesting her highest awareness away from any emotional dissonance to create harmonious change in her own self, reality, community, country and much more. Cynthia is an ambassador for growth in consciousness.