The Consciousness Athlete Curriculum

Bethany describes the fundamentals of her Consciousness Athlete programs.

All of Bethany’s work involves the following components, which adds a cohesiveness among all NUMINOUS programs:  Bethany does not enjoy writing, however, after thirty years of study, she feels called to document her  findings to leave signs on the trail for others to follow in her Consciousness Athlete series. Her highest hope is that by sharing her explorations in consciousness, she can alleviate unnecessary suffering for others.

NEXT CLASS STARTING: Sunday September 10 at 6:30 EST 

These are common core topics in her work:

  1. Biofeedback – Learn the technology of your nervous system to demonstrate mind mastery.  Bring out the highest and best of you on command.
  2. Skilled Intentional Meditation  – Be sure you are in a  significantly better state after meditation than before meditating
  3. Subtle Energy Awareness – Cleansing your biofield to feel the buoyancy of happiness.
  4. Dealing with Difficult People for Spiritual People- Learn the curriculum to use your most challenging relationships to cultivate heightened consciousness.
  5. Changing your identity from temporal to eternal to feel infinite love now…why wait?
  6. Disciplining the mind to foster freedom.
  7. Humility, humility, and more humility – humble pie tastes sweet when we finally let Infinite Love in
  8. Calibrating to receive – which requires detachment.  
  9. Silencing the little self – So the Big Self can emerge
  10. Learning how to increase our ability to “endure the state of bliss” – Not as easy as we think!
  11. Increase capacity for “gorgeousness” – The truth of you!
  12. Co-Create with an Infinite Loving Awareness that loves you equally with all others.
  13. Many more…Bethany is always cleansing and exploring her field and making new discoveries.

Bimonthly streamed classes for 4 months following the Become A Consciousness Athlete Curriculum

  • New customized meditations for every class will be recorded and emailed to you for daily practice 
  • Meditations include time for participants to send healing energy to the daily chosen participant
  • You have the opportunity to receive intentions for emotional healing from your fellow Consciousness Athlete students. (Rare opportunity here!!!!)
  • You benefit not only from receiving, but giving.  Sending intentions creates vacuum to receive
  • Introductory Cost – $150/per month for four months
  • Included, one private 30 min session with Bethany
  • Start a hub in your home of 6+ people, and we will provide you technical assistance and a discount
  • BONUS: Includes attendance at NUMINOUS Salons during the course (however, we are always in need of donations as we offer our work for free to cities.  Big costs, so donations are always appreciated) 

What this class is NOT:

  •     Regurgitated Law of Attraction ideas 
  •    Spiritual Entertainment – you get out of the class what you put into it.  You are required to do the meditations, otherwise, your nervous system and energy field won’t change.

What is required of you:

  • To be a dedicated intrepid consciousness explorer willing to observe and direct your subtle energies every day by applying the daily exploration meditation skills directly to your life.
  •  Experience humility  – getting properly calibrated means emptying ourselves of ourselves and being teachable. We need to let go of what we think we know and make room for Intelligent Love.
  • Be Intolerant of feeling miserable – provides the persistance for the discipline required.

NEXT CLASS STARTING: Sunday September 10 at 6:30 EST