Last year we measured
a highly statistically significant
13% reduction of violence during the
2022 Louisville Resonant Peaceful City week.

But, we think we can do better and we need your help!

NUMINOUS founder, Bethany Gonyea, MS shares details
of the Louisville Resonant Peaceful Cities Project 2023
FAQ Regarding the
Louisville Resonance Cities Project
July 22-30, 2023

What: The Louisville Resonance Peaceful Cities Project is sponsored by NUMINOUS, a grassroots organization that trains communities to use proven intentional meditative techniques to reduce violence and increase peace. To date, NUMINOUS has measured a reduction of violence during peace weeks in three US cities. Last September, a highly significant 13% violence reduction occurred during the 2022 Louisville Resonance Cities Project. This July, we are repeating the project and inviting more meditators to participate in learning how intentions for peace may reduce human suffering.

When: July 22-30, 2023

Who: Anyone from around the globe can participate. You do not need to live in Louisville.

How: 20-minute meditations for peace in Louisville will be emailed or texted to registered participants. You can lift Louisville from your living room by clicking on the links and performing the meditation. Your intentions for peace will be measured!

Why: We strive to empower everyday citizens to experience how they have the power to positively impact their world through synchronized peaceful heartfelt intentions. This generates awareness of being part of a larger intelligence that connects us all and creates waves of peace and goodwill throughout the globe.

Where: Somewhere in Louisville will be announced.

How: Enter your email or text in the accompanying participation link. You will receive a daily meditation recording through email or text. We encourage people to register their cell to receive meditations, so they can easily click on the meditation text in the morning before even getting out of bed which is a potent time for intention setting, plus the meditation also gives you the opportunity to send intentions for best outcomes for your own life. You will get out of bed ready to take on your day from a more empowered perspective.

Please share this study with as many people as possible as quickly as possible.
Hear Dr. Reinhold and Bethany discuss the encouraging results of the 2022
Louisville Resonant Peace Project
Do you have questions, ideas or resources to share?

Please email:
Spirit of Sophia


Hearty Thank you to the 2023 Louisville Resonant Peace Project Partners!

Community Supported Acupuncture
University of Louisville
Trager Institute
Dr. Karin Reinhold, Professor of Mathematics & Statistics
at the State University of New York at Albany
Bethany Gonyea, Resonant Peaceful Cities Project Founder
Drepung Gomang Center for Engaging Compassion
Tu An Temple-Vietnamese Buddhist Association of Louisville
St. Matthews Episcopal Church
St. William Catholic Community
Interfaith Paths to Peace
Earth & Spirit Center
Errol Wint – Marabridge Consulting
Adath Jeshurun Synagogue
Community of Mindful Living (Buddhist)
Highland Baptist Church
The Louisville Salt Cave
The Monroe Institute
Harry Pickens
Jewish Association for Spirituality and Dreams
Unity of East Louisville
Unity of Louisville
Kentucky Grace Retreat Center
Yoga East, Integrative Mind
Unity on the Avenue (Chaplains)
Unity Worldwide Ministries
Central Presbyterian Church
Mara Bridge Consulting Solutions
St. Andrew’s Epsicopal Church
Calvary Episcopal Church
St. Luke’s Episcopal Church
Douglass Boulevard Christian Church
The Temple (Reform Jewish)
Hart Communication, LLC
Kenkyukai of Kentucky